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Expert help for

reading and writing


Online Tutoring Services

Grades 5, 6, and 7

Picture of Lori Garver

Parents, are you feeling helpless or frustrated when it comes to helping your middle schooler with reading and writing?

If your child says:

"I hate reading!"       "Reading is boring."     "I don't know what else to write."

"I'm trying my hardest!"    "I don't understand what I am supposed to do."

I can help.

Here's how:

1.  Diagnostic testing to pinpoint areas of strength and struggle

2. Once or twice weekly lessons on Zoom that are interactive and focused on growth 

3. Additional practice given each week to finish by next lesson

4. Summary reports and test scores shared frequently to parents

5. Sign up today by clicking here!

Image by Andrew Neel

Together we can achieve results...

Reading and writing are the foundation that ensures success across all subjects. Our mission is to confidently address learning differences in each student by creating uniquely personalized learning experiences, whether in a one-to-one setting or a group setting.

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What You Can Expect



At the core of what we do is the goal to build students' confidence. We can do this by creating a safe and comfortable learning environment, setting expectations for growth, encouraging questions and interaction, and providing constructive feedback


Our focus is to read and write every lesson with intention and purpose while incorporating state standards and grade-level expectations. Reading lessons utilize high-interest passages and focused skill building activities. Writing lessons are integrated into reading lessons and involve writing for various purposes focusing on organization and structure.


Improvement in test scores and report card grades happen when students study with intention and have a clear goal set. We diagnose students' current strengths and struggles and monitor progress to ensure growth in all areas of reading and writing.

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